And here's some links I've found recently, now that I've chosen a development platform for iOS - having decided that, essentially, re-learning ANSI C++ with a new IDE (that I can't find any straightforward videos for [the latest version of XCode works slightly - but importantly - differently to that demonstrated in all the online tutorials]) is not my cup of tea...
- GameSalad - no-code game builder: - Appcelerator - javascript/HTML based apps for utilities, not games: - Corona - 'lua' based 2D development, for 2D games and utilities. My weapon of choice: - Cocos2D - Objective-C games framework for 2D games: - Unity3D - full 3D gaming development system, producing some awesome results: - Rhodes - for a mix of things, closest to Corona, I think. Ruby on Rails: - Sparrow - open source development for those who know a little Objective-C: - Some very useful links if you're looking for a broad range of programming info:
I've found that for ease of learning the new language and a solid output, Ansca Mobile's Corona platform is performing well, has plenty of good tutorials and material and after the Apple iPhone Developer 1 year license ($99 in the USA, £59 in the UK), the Corona or Corona game license isn't too pricey. Though that might change soon...