Friday, January 28, 2011

Corona SDK Goes Windows

Corona SDK, the multi-platform development kit for iOS and Android had a major update this week. There is now a Windows SDK allowing the same lua language apps which can be compiled into iOS and Android Java apps on the Mac to be developed for Android on Windows.

To accompany this Ansca have included a slew of new features, all announced on their blog:
This is a really big step and one I believe will lead to some very interesting developments. Personally, I'm hoping for a lot of developer interest, to help bolster the Corona community and Ansca Mobile themselves, as well as WP7 builds.

I Hate Windows Server 2008

I really do.

But besides that, here's an article written to do justice (if not, comedy) to the annoying 'features' of the server OS. His other articles are about the useful, productive and more positive aspects, so please feel free to find out lots about the system.

Consider this article, however, the warning/watch out/snafu guide:

Slightly More Invasive

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Corona Collision Filters

Ansca Mobile ( have created a truly brilliant multi-mobile-platform SDK (iOS, Android) called Corona, which includes a Box2D ( physics engine. There are many implementations in many languages for Box2D and one of the things which Ansca have got right is collision filters, one of the trickier things to implement in an physics API.

Brent Sorrentino of IgnisDesign has produced and posted a helper chart for working out which collision filters various objects should be assigned when building physics-based games using Corona: